December 14, 2009
Radient Pharmaceuticals Corporation NAICS 325412
2492 Walnut Avenue Suite 100 Tustin, CA 92780 Description
(714) 505-4460 Employees Revenue $ 28.27
  Income $ 1.18
  Assets $ 42.75
  Liability $ 7.81
  (for the year ended - 12-31-2008)
Category: Loss/Deficit
Event: Radient Pharmaceuticals Corporation reported a comprehensive loss of $5,042,267 for the three months ended Sept. 30, 2009, from comprehensive income of $1,634,112 for the same period a year ago. The Company reported a comprehensive loss of $14,780,431 for the nine months ended Sept. 30, 2009, from comprehensive income of $1,039,596 for the same period a year ago. At Sept. 30, 2009, the Company had $26,160,438 in total assets against $4,927,694 in total liabilities. The Sept. 30 balance sheet showed strained liquidity: The Company had $246,048 in total current assets against $2,950,658 in total current liabilities. On April 15, 2009, Radient Pharmaceuticals filed with the SEC an Annual Report on Form 10-K in which included an audit opinion with a "going concern" explanatory paragraph which expresses doubt, based upon current financial resources, as to whether AMDL can meet its continuing obligations without access to additional working capital.
Intellectual Property: The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has issued to Radient Pharmaceuticals two patents which describe methods for measuring ring-shaped particles in extra-cellular fluid as a means for detecting cancer. The Company has three additional patent applications pending in the U.S. with respect to its methodology for the DR-70 tumor-markers as reliable indicators of the presence of cancer. In addition, the Company has one patent based on methodology for the DR-70 tumor marker pending in Europe. [SEC Filing 10-K 04-15-09]
Description: Radient Pharmaceuticals Corporation, formerly known as AMDL, Inc., is a vertically integrated pharmaceutical company with these distinct business divisions or units: Manufacturer and Distributor of Onko-Sure(TM) a Proprietary In-Vitro Diagnostic (IVD) Cancer Test; Distributor of Elleuxe brand of Anti-Aging Skin Care Products; and Cancer Therapeutics Technology.
Officers: Douglas C. MacLellan (Chair., Pres. & CEO); Akio Ariura (CFO & COO); William M. Thompson III (Dir.)
Auditor: KMJ Corbin & Company LLP
Securities: Common Stock Symbol RPC; AMEX; 17,439,319 shares of common stock outstanding as of Nov. 18, 2009. $1.7 million Senior notes; $0.6 million 12% promissory note; Bridge loan facity.
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