February 4, 2008
icefloe Technologies, Inc. NAICS 333415
5855 Kennedy Road Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L4Z 2G3 Description Refrigeration Equipment Mfg.
(905) 712-7777 Employees 0
http://www.icefloe.com/ Revenue (mil) 3.0800
  Income (mil) 1.6880
  Assets (mil) 2.2710
  Liability (mil) 3.4170
  (for the year ended 2006-12-31)
Category: Bankruptcy
Event: icefloe Technologies, Inc. has filed an assignment in bankruptcy under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act. The company is unable to meet its ongoing obligations, and specifically was unable to make a Jan. 24, 2008 interest payment due to its secured lenders. icefloe, with the consent and agreement of the secured lenders, has appointed BDO Dunwoody to act as Trustee in Bankruptcy.
Intellectual Property: icefloeŽ has been at the leading edge in developing innovative and proprietary flash chilling and heat exchange applications for beverages. It has commercialized cold draft beer solutions for brewers, licensees, and consumers. Through extensive research and development, icefloeŽ has developed, patented and commercialized technologies that enable customers to serve consistently ice-cold draft beer. [Company Website]
Description: icefloe Technologies is a Canadian-based company dedicated to the development and commercialization of its proprietary chilling technology which brings flash chilling capability in a portable form and enables the beverage industry to serve ice cold draft beer without excessive foam loss.
Officers: Wayne Newson (Pres. & CEO);
Auditor: Grant Thornton LLP
Securities: Common Stock-Symbol ICY; TSX; 7,249,592 common shares outstanding as of December 31, 2006.
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