January 28, 2008
My Screen Mobile, Inc. NAICS 517210
70 Yorkville Ave, Suite 30 Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5R 1B9 Description Wireless Telecommunication
(647) 885-6470 Employees 0
http://www.myscreenmobile.com/ Revenue (mil) 0.0000
  Income (mil) 0.0000
  Assets (mil) 0.0000
  Liability (mil) 0.1000
  (for the year ended 2006-12-31)
Category: Audit Concerns
Event: Madsen & Associates CPA's, Inc. expressed substantial doubt about the ability of My Screen Mobile, Inc. to continue as a going concern after auditing its financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2006. The auditor points out that the Company does not have the necessary working capital for its planned activity. At December 31, 2006, the Company had accumulated losses of $3,048,150 since inception and stockholders' deficit of $100,000.
Intellectual Property: A patent application for its My Screen Mobile technology has been filed with the Canadian and American Patent Office in addition to the World Intellectual Property Organization. This protects the Intellectual Property Rights of My Screen Mobile, and enables the company to operate and maintain its position as market innovator and leader in the mobile application space. My Screen Mobile technology is an innovative marketing and advertising tool within the mobile communication industry, establishing both a permission and incentive-based marketing model that allows mobile subscribers to be compensated for allowing targeted advertisements to appear on their cell phone or mobile device in the form of images, sms and video (where carrier technology permits) upon termination of any incoming or outbound call. In addition to the patents filed, the company owns the domains, Myscreenmobile.com and myscreen.com and has copyrights on all content on those sites and trademarks on the name MyScreen and MyScreen Mobile in both Canada and the USA. [SEC Filing 10-KSB 01-04-08]
Description: My Screen Mobile enables direct incentive-based advertising for mobile phones.
Officers: Terrence Rodrigues (Pres.)
Auditor: Madsen & Associates CPA's, Inc.
Securities: Common Stock-Symbol MYSL.PK; Other OTC; 369,047 common shares outstanding as of December 31, 2006.
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