December 17, 2007
Check Elect, Inc. NAICS 334119
101 Second Street San Francisco, CA 94105 Description Biometric Equipment Mfg.
(866) 729-2986 Employees 0 Revenue (mil)
  Income (mil)
  Assets (mil)
  Liability (mil)
  (for the year ended )
Category: Bankruptcy
Event: Check Elect, Inc. and its affiliates filed for Chapter 11 protection on December 14, 2007, with the Bankruptcy Court for the Central District of California (Los Angeles), case number 07-21768, before Judge Thomas B. Donovan.
Intellectual Property: Pay By Touch holds more than 30 issued U.S. patents covering tokenless biometric transactions for authentication, age verification, loyalty, and check-cashing, with more than 70 patents pending. These patents give the company exclusive intellectual property coverage over biometric transactions, irrespective of the type of biometric used (e.g. fingerprint, voice scanning, iris and retinal imaging, etc). The Pay By Touch patent portfolio has been filed in all major foreign countries and is the basis of the company's vision to transform the way the world pays. [Company Website]
Description: The Debtors are engaged in biometric authentication for loyalty and payments.
Attorneys: James O. Johnston, Esq. of Hennigan Bennett & Dorman LLP; Los Angeles, CA; (213) 694-1200
Notes: When the Company filed for Chapter 11 protection, it listed estimated assets of less than $50,000 and estimated debts of $100 million to $500 million.
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