November 12, 2007
Concierge Technologies, Inc. NAICS 511210
22048 Sherman Way, Suite 301 Canoga Park, CA 91303 Description Software Publisher
Employees 0
Revenue (mil) 0.0000
  Income (mil) 0.0380
  Assets (mil) 0.0685
  Liability (mil) 0.4010
  (for the year ended 2007-06-30)
Category: Audit Concerns
Event: Kabani & Company, Inc., raised substantial doubt about the ability of Concierge Technologies, Inc. to continue as a going concern after auditing its financial statements. The auditor points out that the Company has not earned any revenue since its inception and has accumulated deficit of $3,871,095 at June 30, 2007, including a net income of $38,214 during the year ended June 30, 2007.
Intellectual Property: The Company has trademarked its Personal Communications Attendant. It has no patents on the product. Planet Halo has trademarked the names "Halo", "Halomail", and "Planet Halo". Patent applications are pending on certain aspects of the Halo device and software applications that enable certain of its functionality. The know-how centered around the programming, low-level drivers, key board matrix, operating system interface and certain other aspects of the Halo device, including itsindustrial design, are considered a valued intellectual property of Planet Halo. [SEC Filing 10-KSB 10-15-07]
Description: Concierge Technologies, Inc., through its subsidiary, Planet Halo, Inc., operates in the wireless telecommunications industry in the United States.
Officers: Allen E. Kahn (Chair & CFO); David W. Neibert (CEO, Pres. & Dir.); Marc Angell (Dir.); James E. Kirk (Sec., Gen. Counsel & Dir.)
Auditor: Kabani & Company, Inc.
Securities: Common Stock-Symbol CNCG.OB; OTC BB; 177,322,777 common shares outstanding as of September 12, 2007.
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