September 3, 2007
Quantum Corporation NAICS 334112
1650 Technology Drive, Suite 700 San Jose, CA 95110 Description Data Storage Devices Mfg.
(408) 944-4000 Employees 2900 Revenue (mil) 1016.1740
  Income (mil) -64.0940
  Assets (mil) 1125.8290
  Liability (mil) 871.3880
  (for the year ended 2007-03-31)
Category: Loss/Deficit
Event: Quantum Corporation reported a net loss of $22,585,000 on revenues of $245,768,000 for the three months ended June 30, 2007, compared to a net loss of $3,576,000 on revenues of $186,595,000 during the same quarter last year. As a result of its recurring losses, the Company has an accumulated deficit of $81,850,000 as of June 30, 2007.
Intellectual Property: The Company develops and protects technology and know-how, principally in the field of data storage. The Company presently holds 449 U.S. patents and has 151 pending U.S. patent applications. In general, these patents have a 20-year term from the first effective filing date for each patent. It also holds a number of foreign patents and patent applications for certain of its products and technologies. The Company has signed a patent cross-licensing agreement with IBM and has agreed to a time-limited, mutual patent, non-assertion agreement with Maxtor covering certain technologies and patents of each party. In fiscal 2006, it entered into a patent cross license agreement with Sun where each party received a license to certain of the other party’s patents on a non-exclusive, worldwide basis. In the fourth quarter of fiscal 2007, the Company signed a patent cross-license agreement with Data Domain covering data de-duplication and other non-tape storage technologies. [SEC Filing 10-K 065-13-07]
Description: The Company provides backup, recovery, and archive solutions worldwide.
Officers: Richard E. Belluzzo (Chair & CEO); William C. Britts (EVP); Stephen P. Dalton (SVP); Jon W. Gacek (EVP & CFO); Barbara L. Barrett (VP); Shawn D. Hall (VP, Sec. & Gen. Counsel)
Auditor: Ernst & Young LLP
Securities: Common Stock-Symbol QTM; NYSE; 199,900,000 common shares outstanding as of July 31, 2007.
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