August 6, 2007
Statmon Technologies Corporation NAICS 517000
345 North Maple Drive, Suite 120 Beverly Hills, CA 90210 Description Telecommunications Services
(310) 288-4580 Employees 17 Revenue (mil) 3.7140
  Income (mil) -3.2520
  Assets (mil) 0.8740
  Liability (mil) 6.1190
  (for the year ended 2007-03-31)
Category: Audit Concerns
Event: Marcum & Kliegman LLP expressed substantial doubt about the ability of Statmon Technologies Corp. to continue as a going-concern after auditing its financial statements. The auditor notes that the Company incurred net losses of $3,252,254 and $3,038,001 during the years ended March 31, 2007 and 2006, respectively. In addition, as of March 31, 2007, the Company had a working capital deficiency of $5,680,322.
Intellectual Property: The Company has designed its software products for use with personal computers and devices running in the Microsoft Windows operating environment. The Company relies on internally developed computer code, new technologies and know-how to help protect its intellectual property. In addition, the Company regards its technology as proprietary and attempts to protect it by implementing security password codes and encryption and by seeking patents, copyrights or trademarks, where appropriate, and by invoking trade secret laws and confidentiality and non-disclosure agreements. The Company has trademark protection for the name on its products and intends to apply for registration of certain copyrights and key trademarks and service marks. [SEC Filing 10-KSB 07-16-07]
Description: The Company provides digital communication services, including VoIP and broadband telephony, based on proprietary software.
Officers: Geoffrey P. Talbot (Chair, Pres., CEO & CFO); Peter J. Upfold (Vice Chair, CTO, Sec. & Treas.); Kevin R. Harris (COO); Leonard Silverman, Ph.D. (Dir.); Robert B. Fields (Dir.)
Auditor: Marcum & Kliegman LLP
Securities: Common Stock-Symbol STCA.OB; OTC BB; 15,490,857 common shares outstanding as of June 30, 2007.
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